I hate raccoons! We had this huge raccoon who would come and harass our outside kitties nightly. Finally we tried to trap him. However, this isn't an average raccoon. He is the FATTEST one I have ever seen. His rear end was so large that he was able to walk out of the first trap backwards because of his huge rear! When we got a bigger trap he was caught, however no one slept that night. He was so loud, pulled off the piece of plywood that covered the top of the trap and growled, hissed, scratched, and literally used his body to rock the trap the entire night. I wanted Jason to shoot the creature into smithereens. We live close to being out side city limits, but Jason was worried about being fined. So a trapper took the raccoon away and relocated him. However, there is a new raccoon that I saw last night visiting.....grrrr!
May 2019
5 years ago
what is with these critters lately? my in-laws just relocated a raccoon living with her babies under their house, we have a skunk family living under our concrete patio, and some friends in MC just had a skunk relocated too. hmmmm?
I do not envy you at all. So far, we haven't gotten any critter visitors, but I smell them in the neighborhood.
That doesn't look fun at all!!
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