Monday, June 15, 2009

Strawberry Time!

One of my favorite signs of summer is when the strawberries are on, which means the start of the picking and canning seasons. On Friday I showed Kristina how to make jam at her house. Last year she and I canned and made syrups, pie fillings, salsa, peaches, whole tomatoes, roasted tomato sauce, peaches, and apple sauce. This year we are going to enter some into the county fair.I always make sure that Kristina has enough ingredients on hand. She was sure she had enough sugar for the jam, and I just knew she didn't. So she had to leave in the middle of jam making and bought a 25lb bag of sugar. I didn't even know sugar came in such large quantities!!
This is about 1/2 of the jam we made. She got 32 pints and 40 half pints...all in a day's work!


Cheryl said...

WOW!! Sounds like you will be keeping busy again this summer!

Michelle said...

Yum!! Looks great. What did you use to smoosh all the berries? My goal is to get some jam made this week also.

Christina said...

If you ever tire of working with that Kristina, perhaps you'd be willing to take on another Christina as a student. :)

Jessica said...

Yummy, I love homemade strawberry jam!!!