Sunday, December 14, 2008

Staff Christmas Party Progressive Dinner

Last Friday night was our Staff Christmas Party Progressive Dinner. It is always a lot of fun. We went to Bonna's house for appetizers, our house for crock pot soups, and then the the Feasel's house for desserts and games. There were four games we played (Yahtzee, Scrabble, Skip-bo, and Apples to Apples) in 1/2 hour segments. Each player kept a score card for the games and added them up at the end. The grand prize was 4 movie passes to the movies, and coupons for popcorn, along with 4 DVD's and movie candy. Brenda won that prize! Jason won the next prize which was the 4 movie passes and coupons for popcorn. Then there were about 12 other prizes the people with the next highest scores chose from. It was such a busy week that Brenda nor I had time to shop for the prizes. I have the most amazing and wonderful mom, as she was the one who spent Thursday shopping for us. Jason and I hauled chairs from school and tables from church, as we took out some living room furniture to fit every one in our house.

Jason and I spent Wednesday and Thursday evening getting ready. We felt like mechanics being under the tables to secure the wrapping paper.

Tana made a really YUMMY french bread with spinach, butter and garlic!We were SOOOOOO glad Kristina could make it! I sure miss her.

Let the games begin (and desserts)!


Cheryl said...

Looks like you all had a blast. Your house looked so cute with the tables all wrapped up and your centerpieces.

Michelle said...

Looks like your staff had a wonderful time. I'm a little jealous as I'm not sure our staff would all get together. Your house looks great. I love how you did the tables.

Jessica said...

looks like fun and lots of work!