Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Whoa.....watch the toe!!

Being pregnant has thrown off my sense of kinesthetic awareness and balance, hence the above picture. Last Friday I was walking in the dinning room when my foot met the vengence of a dinning room chair leg at a speed that was unsafe. The pain shot up my foot and I collapsed with agony. Hours later I removed my sock to see a black and blue swollen toe. I couldn't move it and immediatley began applying ice. The following day on a trip to see Ryan graduate from PSU I was unable to walk and found releif in elveating my foot in the car.

As a result my family felt it was unsafe for me to live in flip flops this summer. We went to an awesome birkenstock store in Portland and I got an early birthday present! Yay!!


Keri said...

Ouch!!! Being pregnant does throw a hitch in your giddyup for sure. But at least you got a supercute pair of shoes out of it!

Unknown said...

Your sandals are sooooo cool! I love them and I do think it's a good idea to not wear flip flops anymore :) I think of you often!