Saturday, April 12, 2008


When Jason and I first moved in, our master bathroom was unintentionally the place in the house where we made all our "mistakes." Several of them ranged to accidentally using non-paintable caulking along the shower, to drilling the pocket door stuck in place with hopes of having a second towel rack. So, we decided to re-model the bathroom over Spring Break. I wanted to repaint it and use a ragging technique over the base coat of fresh paint. Once the base coat of new paint was applied we had to rag on a colored glaze and re-mask everything that wasn't supposed to be ragged.
My mom and I ragged on the glaze. I was shooting for the effect of gold to be shimmering on the walls. Here I was panicking because the color of the glaze, which was supposed to be golden, was a cross between canary yellow and the yellow color road crews use to paint lines on the road....not exactly what I wanted.....
We went back to the paint store and got a nuetral tan glaze and a pearl was stunning when we were finished....just like out of a magazine!!!
Ahh....the finished look (although the camera doesn't do it justice)!