Saturday, January 10, 2009

Projecting II

Over the break we did some painting inside. We swapped the guest bedroom with the office. Instead of making the office again we painted the nursery. Even though there isn't a baby yet, we wanted to slowly start getting thinks ready. Below is a before and after of the guest bedroom.I love how the nursery turned out (more before and afters)! For some reason it just felt good getting this room ready. Someday soon I know in my heart of hearts that it will be filled with a little one. It is a soft warm yellow color. My parents helped us paint =0)
My mom and I painted and ragged color and glaze onto the other bathroom walls. It was really hard to pick up the colors in a picture, but we ragged on a beige and subtle grey color along with a pearl. It turned out really beautiful and gives the feeling of faux texture.
Here is all of our stuff from the three rooms that was out in the living room while we painted.....we also did some spring cleaning! I took this picture after we spend 2 days going through stuff.


Cheryl said...

Love the new paint...thanks for sharing the pics. I am sure it was a lot of work but feels so nice to have cleaned out a bunch of stuff.

busymomof4 said...

It is funny you putting these pics on you blog...Jason and I were talking about the painting that was done and I mentioned not seeing any pics on here yet. I like what I can see of the paint in the bathroom.

Michelle said...

I always love the feeling I have after putting up a fresh coat of paint and rearranging everything and cleaning out a bunch of stuff. I sure you are tired. It sure looks nice.

Jessica said...

Your rooms look great. I would like to paint a bunch of the rooms in my house. I think I will start painting this spring.

Nana's Journal said...

New paint works wonders...we're getting ready to paint the kitchen & living room, maybe this weekend. The nursery looks cute, nice colors!

Christina said...

It's fun to change things around and paint - it makes it feel like a new place, but no packing boxes, hauling them to the new place, and unpacking!