Tuesday, October 14, 2008


This is how I feel at the end of the day after being with 28 little ones.....just kidding! On Saturday my mom and I canned 50 lbs (69 1/2 pints) of pickled beets. A lot of people don't like pickled beets, but our family loves them (except for Jason). My hands were discolored for days. I tired scrubbing them with a fingernail brush, to no avail. On Sunday I was on the worship team and a couple of guys teased me, asking what I had just killed. However, the canning season is over. It is kinda funny because I have never canned this much. It was hard enjoyable work and now my cupboards are filled with all kinds of yummies for when the frost is on the pumpkin!


Michelle said...

I am in awe of how much canning you have done. Not sure how I feel about pickled beets.

Christina said...

I love pickled beets too! Maybe Jason and I should trade families as I am the only one in my family who likes them. ;)

Cheryl said...

Pickled beets?? don't think I have tasted those.

p.s. Alyssa was SO glad to have you back ALL day today!

Jessica said...

Destiny, Danny and I love pickled beets!!! Jacob likes them some of the time and sometimes he thinks there are horrible.
I will see you tomorrow!!!

Keri said...

i remember you eating these when we were little. i'm still not a fan, pickled or no. BTW, the canning went GREAT! thanks for the tips. I did a bunch of quartered tomatoes and tonight I'm doing some spaghetti sauce. I was really intimidated by it, especially using the pressure canner, but it wasn't as hard as i thought it would be. Thanks again!